IR Information

Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy for Information Disclosure

NJS seeks to provide our shareholders and investors with information on our business activities, decisions, and execution of important operations which give impact on investment decisions, in a timely and appropriate manner.
We promptly disclose information in a transparent, fair, and continuous manner in accordance with various laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Securities Listing Regulations specified by Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Method of Information Disclosure

Our information is disclosed on"EDINET" (an electronic disclosure system concerning disclosure documents including securities reports under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) provided by the FSA or"TDnet" (timely disclosure information transmission system) operated by Tokyo Stock Exchange, depending on the type of information, and our information is also posted on our website as soon as it is disclosed.
We also proactively disclose information concerning our business management which gives impact on investment decision of shareholders/investors and information useful in promoting understanding of our company, even if such information does not fall under disclosure requirements.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent information leakage and ensure fairness, we designate the period between the day following accounting settlement date (including quarterly settlement) and the settlement announcement date as a"quiet period." We apologize in advance that we will decline to answer questions concerning and comment on our business performance during this period. However, we will disclose information as needed when there arises a prospect that the earnings forecast may change significantly during the period.

Future Prospect

Of the information disclosed, types of information other than the truth about the past are future prospects which we determined based on information currently available, and thus they include risks and uncertain factors associated with economic conditions, market trends, and changes of laws and systems. Therefore, please understand that our performance to be actually publicly disclosed may differ depending on these various factors.
